The slanting tree -it has the most inviting bench to one side ..
When I was small there were ducks here , now there are fat fish fed by kind fat men...
I have no idea what these flowers are called but they fell ..
from this tree.....
Since the morning was quite hot , this was in order ..
followed by this ....

and this ..
What's that place with the carpet of flowers? Looks enchanting.
ooh, eve. you shouldn't put up pictures like these! My mouth is watering so much, it's flooding, looking at the puchka, dahi papdi & watermelon juice (with chaat masala?)
I agree with Hillgran. You absolutely should not - see now you have got me craving for food and I don't have any of those nice things so I will go and stuff myself with some junk. WHOOOOOOAAAAAA! all your fault.
Lovely pictures, this and the previous one.
yumm yumm! my first time here and what a visual treat your blog seems to be! :D will surely drop by often!
Such delicious pics! The flowers are awesome too.
some beautiful, some yummy..but yes all lovely!
@O - watermelon juice,phuchkas - dont know how to describe them:)Arent the flowers lovely?
@Lekhni - This is the Dhakuria Lakes in the heart of Kolkata - lovely greenery, lots of water .
@HG - big tooth grin
@MayG - Hi - we've met and we shall continue to meet ( I hope)
@Dipali - the eternal gourmand - thats me - come for a walk one day
@nm - "Bows" thanks A's mom!
what lovely pictures, and golgappas!!! my mouth is watering!!! is that the lake near your house? i think i recognise the tree.
Yes it is :)
Pretty flowering tree.Does it give off any nice odor? Right now the ground under my apple tree is lined like that only with apple blossoms and my whole back yard has a sweet applw smell.
I love the taste of watermellon juice. Tasty looking food too.
What a thought provoking blog. Amazingly lovely pictures.
those flowers / trees are tabebuia rosea. one of my favorite. bangalore is full of them. theres also a yellow tabubia and another pink one called tabubia avalanda... here's a link...
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