

young blood....

IOC and OIL have the pick of the golfers who will sweep the fairway this weekend at Tolly - they are all young and raring to go - most of them are around 18 , there are two 16 year olds ,there are 2 girls , also very young and among the top seeds in golf today - all are Punjabis and further drilling down reveals Surd strains . Like Chandragupta Maurya's empire which stretched from Delhi in the north to Assam in the north east ( this is his kingdom in part , mind you and Assam being a fiefdom), the golfing fraternity also stretches from the north to the north east (also in part beacuse we must not forget Bangalore). The NE guys mainly OIL, some ONGC,IOC in the form of AOD mostly play golf - it conjures up pictures of koi hais playing nine holes before breakfast and finishing off the balance after long leisurely lunches with pints ...

There's a difference between the Delhi golfers and the NE golfers .The Delhi ones have long noses , they are all tall and very good looking with imperious airs that money , success ,good looks and confidence bring ( I shudder to think of the damage they can wreak in the Kolkata campuses , if let loose !). They swagger around , even the girls , (other than Ms Brar who is reserved and unassuming) and talk loudly and confidently as if they were ina pizza parlour - there's a lot of bonhomie and backslapping and camaraderie as well as Punjabi jokes which leaves them all howling with laughter at frequent intervals . The NE guys are diffident and reserved and they do not talk loudly . They only swing and putt and talk in sibilant whispers with the occasional guttural emphasis .

I shudder to think of the various kinds of kababs they are going to make out of the older golfers .


erebus said...

wait till nyou meet japanese golfers... or Aussie mom golfers... and my personal favourite... people-from-Mednipur-Pathsala-who-are-now big-shot-executives-so-have-to-keep-up-with-their -white-colleagues golfers...

Unknown said...

Portnoy - Nope I am no golfing enthusiast - the idea of plodding for miles after a series of balls does not appeal to me - I'd rather play solitaire .
Erebus - bang on ! it should be "big sot", in black striped shirt with lemon yellow self embossed tie and verrrrry expensive shoes , talking beeg with a big bertha in its hand before changing into shorts that dont go with his figure ... oh my eyes - they hurt .